Best Business Practice Analysis

Better information means better decision making.

To analyse a company, we start with your company’s:

  1. Last two years profit and loss plus year to date profit and loss.
  2. Last two years Balance Sheet plus year to date Balance Sheet.
  3. Last 12 months payroll, showing bonuses, superannuation, etc.
  4. From there, the algorithms calculate critical components of your business.

These components are compared to good business practice KPI’s

Each component is given a score.

All the scores are added together, resulting in your Business Performance Score (BPS)

This score is compared to the minimum acceptable BPS.

The goal for your company going forward are shown for profit and cash position

The above is included in a full report at the end with all the areas your business needs to improve, including:

  1. Labour utilisation – No 1 killer of businesses
  2. Labour efficiency
  3. How assets are working for you
  4. Why cash flow is not what it should be
  5. Sales balancing
  6. Margins vs gross profit
  7. And many more.

Sign up to find out how your business is performing.

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